Brunei Darussalam Kingdom of Cambodia Republic of Indonesia The Lao People's Democratic Republic of Lao PDR Malaysia Union of Myanmar Republic of the PhilippinesThe Republic of SingaporeThailandThe Socialist Republic of Vietnam


OSH Studies

OSH Research and Study under the National Institute for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (NICE)

  1. The Study Project for Health Hazards Evaluation in Asbestos-Processing Industries In Thailand
  2. The Study for Preliminary Hazards Evaluation in Radiation-Processing Enterprises in Thailand
  3. Occupational Safety and Health Management in Thai Manufacturers
  4. The for Occupational Safety and Health Management in Construction Industries
  5. Safety and Health in Plastic Industry Products
  6. Occupational Safety and health in Metal Foundry Industry 

OSH Research and Study under the Workmen Compensation Fund 

  1. Silicosis Among Workers in Nakhonsawan 2541 (1998)
  2. Stress Management Program in Workplace
  3. Entrepreneurs’ Role in Health Promotion and Prevention of Occupational Injuries of Illnesses
  4. A study to Identify an Occupational Health and safety Management Model for Thailand
  5. Pilot Project on the use of apply dust mask for worker in grounding industry
  6. The study of occupational safety , health and environment information system in the Ministry of Labour
  7. The study of appropriate health examination guideline for worker in 5 industries under the notification of the Ministry of Industry
  8. A Study of Melatonin Levels and Stress in Female Shift Worker
  9. Health Belief and Fabric Dust Preventive Behavior of Textile Workers.
  10. The Prevalence of Accident and Risk Behavior of Rubber Wood Industry Worker
  11. The Study of the Alleviation of Cumulative Trauma Disorder in 5 Bar Weaving Machine Operators Using Ergonomics Approach
  12. The Evaluation of the Economic and Lost Caused by Work-related Eye Injury
  13. The Study on Socio-Economic Impact of the Workers Who Had OccupationalHand Loss
  14.  Study of Risk Identification Factors in Foundry Industrial
  15. The Study Problem Condition and Obstacle in Safety Aspect of Metal
  16. The Effects of Transtheoretical Model Application on Low Back Pain Prevention among Workers in Sanitary Production Factories.
  17.  Cognitive Response of Long Period Surgical Resident Work.
  18. Development of Computerized database on Compensation Fund-related Research Reports

Read 4866 times Last modified on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 11:51